Nowadays, many children have access to and familiar with the computers. The computer seems as a significant technology in the early childhood settings. In my centre, the computers are provided for each room. Children are keen on using the computers. The children are very interested in playing educational game and watch cartoon movie. Computers can provide highly effective learning opportunities for children.
Computers foster social interactions and relationships because children turn to each other for help and advise rather than adults (Wartella & Jennings, 2000). Computers can facilitate social interaction, co-operation, friendship formations and constructive group play” (Wartella & Jennings, 2000).
I think the computer is an important education medium for children to access to. As Te Whāriki (1996, p. 88) states “children develop the ability to represent their discoveries using creative and expressive media and the technology associated with them.” If we as educators learn ourselves about the importance of technology and how it is used then we can actually realise the learning that takes place with computers.
In my opinion, children using computer could help them social-emotional development. As the children work cooperatively with others, take responsibility for their own work. Te Whariki (1996) states that growing experience in solving problems together develops children’s understanding of how technologies can help them and others.
The technology of computer helps children’s cognitive development, as the children could identify the colours, shapes, and sizes; sorts the objects; gain early reading skill by playing the educational games. Also the children’s physical skill would be developed such as fine motor skill, eye-hand coordination by using the keyboard and clicking the mouse.
Children are more likely to discuss, solve problems and have fun together while they use the computer in an appropriate way. Therefore, it would be meaningful for children when they develop different strategies while learning to handle the compute (Alexandersson, Linderoth & Lindo, 2001). For me, as a teacher needs to take more responsibilities on stimulating children’s exploration and experimentation with computer in order to help children ‘s learning and development using technologies.
Children are able to experience the technology as a communication tool that gives them motivation to explore and learn in order to become good communicators. Therefore, Communication technology would come through because the children have something that they want to show and share with their peers, staff and family while using the computers. Te Whāriki (1996) says that children gain experience in using communication technology such as crayons, paintbrushes, pencils, calculators, books and computers” (p. 97).
On the other hand, if the children spend too long in front of the computer may be missing out other development experience. In my opinion, if the children use computer only for games that they would not get quality education from it. Therefore how to assist children using computer in an appropriate way has to be considered by the teachers. Children will be more likely to benefit from computer play when teachers set learning objectives that is interesting to the children (Dodge and Colker, 1982).
The technologies that benefit young children the greatest are those that are interactive and allow the children to develop their curiosity, problem solving and independent thinking skills. Children learn practical skills as they develop models, products, and systems (Ministry of Education, 2007). I think the key to making technologies significance for children is to make sure that we help children to enhance their social interactions effectively and their view of the world.
Reference list:
Alexandersson, M., Linderoth, J., & Lindo, R. (2001). Bland barn och datorer.Among children and computers. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Dodge, D.T., & Colker, L.J. (1992). The Creative Curriculum For Early Childhood (3rd ed). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies. Inc.
Google Image (2012). Image of children using computer. Retrieved from:
Ministry of Education. (1996). Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa .Wellington: Learning Media.
Ministry of Education. (2007). New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media.
Wartella, E. A & Jennings, N. (2000). Children and Computers: New Technology- Old Concerns. The Future of Children, 10 (2).